In using services provided by NESBA, you acknowledge that the NESBA is not acting as your general contractor, agent or lawyer. It is your responsibility, not NESBA's to select a suitable contractor and to negotiate the terms for any work that they undertake.
NESBA relies on data provided by its members and obtained through the various checks that it carries out on members. Due to the time delay in the data gathering process, issues affecting a member's record may have arisen which have not yet appeared in their records. We therefore recommend that before entering into a contract with a member, you obtain confirmation of their details directly from them, including their insurance cover, guarantees offered and qualifications etc.
We also recommend that you always contact NESBA to verify a company's membership before appointing them to carry out any work.
If NESBA refers to other companies or individuals in any manner, we are doing so for the purpose of supplying information. We do not own such companies and have no intention of violating any of their copyrights. Furthermore, if you suffer any loss as a result of acting on the information that they provide, we assume none of their liability.